Membership Dues Suspended Starting April 1st.

Dear Members, I hope this note finds you safe and reasonably well.

Those of you who know me know that throughout the past forty years of TAC being in business, the single most important factor that my Staff and I believe strongly in is "the power of relationships," namely, ours with all of you, our Members and Clients.

Thank you for placing your trust in The Atlantic Club as your fitness and wellness provider.

As I write, our industry is awaiting Congress to include "Health Clubs" in its nearing decision of current round of COVID-19 economic relief. Until then, The Atlantic Club will be suspending all Membership dues beginning April 1st 2020, and ending suspensions when the State allows us to reopen. We will keep you updated as soon as we know our re-opening date.

Until then, during these times of uncertainty, it is important to continue opening our emails to you so we can continue our relationships and we encourage you stay active.

To support you in your workout efforts, The Atlantic Club is bringing you complimentary at home workouts from Les Mills and the East Bank Club in Chicago. Try one of over 90 online of classes geared for all fitness levels. There are even classes for the kids, as well as guided meditations! (Links below)




To all, we appreciate your patience.
Stay safe and healthy!
Yours in Health,
Pat Laus